Privacy Policy

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The Privacy Policy outlines the collection, utilization, and sharing of your personal information when you browse or engage in transactions on the website (referred to as the “Site”).

1. Personal Information We Collect:

When you explore our website, we automatically retrieve certain details about your device. This includes information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and specific cookies installed on your device. Moreover, while you navigate the site, we compile data on the individual web pages or products you view, the websites or search terms that led you to our site, and insights into how you engage with the platform. We designate this set of automatically gathered information as “Device Information.” We use various technologies to collect Device Information:

  • “Cookies” are files with anonymous unique identifiers placed on your device. Learn more and manage cookies at
  • “Log files” track actions on the Site, capturing data like IP address, browser type, and date/time stamps.
  • “Web beacons,” “tags,” and “pixels” are electronic files that record your Site browsing.

When you buy or try to buy through the Site, we gather specific details: your name, billing and shipping addresses, payment information (including credit card numbers), email, and phone number. This set of details is termed “Order Information.”

In this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” includes both Device Information and Order Information.

2. How We Use Your Personal Information:

We utilize the Order Information we gather to fulfill orders on the Site, managing payment processing, shipping, and issuing invoices or order confirmations. Moreover, we leverage this Order Information to:

  • Engage in communication with you;
  • Evaluate orders for potential risk or fraud;
  • Provide information or advertising regarding our products or services, aligning with your preferences.


Simultaneously, the Device Information collected aids us in identifying potential risks and fraud, particularly through your IP address. Additionally, it plays a role in enhancing and optimizing our Site, including generating analytics on customer browsing behavior, interaction patterns, and evaluating the success of marketing and advertising campaigns.

3. How Long We Hold the Information We Collect:

In compliance with global data protection laws, including regulations in Europe and the UAE, we maintain customer data as follows: Basic account information, encompassing Name, Address, Product details, and order values, is retained for a minimum of 6 years. Delivery tracking numbers, including reference and tracking information, are stored for up to 1 year post-purchase for proof of delivery and resolution of chargeback issues, after which the data is promptly removed from our system. Additionally, all customer service-related queries and information received through various channels such as email, phone, Twitter, and Facebook are held for five years.

4. Sharing Your Personal Information:

n order to optimize the use of your Personal Information, as detailed above, we share it with third parties. For instance, our online store is powered by Woocomerce and information on how Woocomerce handles your Personal Information can be found here: Similarly, we employ Google Analytics to gain insights into customer interactions with the Site, and details on how Google manages your Personal Information are available here: To opt-out of Google Analytics, visit

Additionally, we may share your Personal Information in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, in response to a subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful requests for information received, or to safeguard our rights.

5. Third-Party Marketing:

We refrain from conducting third-party marketing activities unless we have received explicit consent from users. We prioritize your privacy and acknowledge your decision to either receive or decline third-party marketing communications.

6. Behavioral Advertising:

As detailed earlier, we utilize your Personal Information to furnish you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications that we believe align with your interests. To comprehend the mechanics of targeted advertising, you can refer to the educational page provided by the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) at

Opting out of targeted advertising is possible through the following links:




Additionally, you have the option to opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at

7. Do Not Track:

Please note that we do not alter our Site’s data collection and use practices when we see a Do Not Track signal from your browser.

8. Security HTTPS:

We utilize HTTPS to encrypt data transmission, providing a secure online environment for users.

9. Your Rights:

If you are a European resident, you hold the right to access your personal information in our possession and request corrections, updates, or deletion of such data. To exercise this right, please reach out to us using the contact information provided below.

Furthermore, for European residents, it’s important to acknowledge that we process your information to fulfill any contracts we may have with you, such as orders made through the Site, and to pursue our legitimate business interests outlined above. Additionally, please be aware that your information may be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada, UAE, and the United States.

Explanation: Your control matters. We respect your rights to manage and control your personal data.

10. Data Retention:

Upon placing an order through the Site, we will retain your Order Information for our records unless you request its deletion. We are committed to ensuring the security and accuracy of our records while respecting your right to manage the retention of your information.

11. Controlling Your Personal Information:

If you no longer wish to communications from Versailles, including emails, postal mail, or any other forms of communication, or if you no longer want to be contacted by any third-party company to whom you previously allowed us to share your details, please access your most recent newsletter email from us. You can then simply click on the “UNSUBSCRIBE” option located at the bottom of the newsletter to update your communication preferences.

12. Contact Us:

For more information on our privacy practices, feel free to contact us via email at

Our commitment to protecting your information is articulated in this Privacy Policy. Your use of our services implies agreement with the terms outlined in this document. We recommend periodic reviews to stay informed about any updates or changes.


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